Wednesday, September 2, 2009

King David and Kenpo X

I wonder if King David, as good of a warrior in battle as he was, could do the Kenpo X workout routine? OK, OK, probably is not as hard as killing people in hand-to-hand combat or sword fighting...I am sure. But I bet he would be sweating when he got done doing the routine. It would have required some effort, some pain, some energy, and some work on his part.

I think that is the point for me too. I have always wanted things to come easy in life. Whether it was work, family, friends, sports, etc...I have wanted the "good life" with as little effort as possible. That is the American way, right? Well, in my physical and spiritual transformation journey thus far, neither have been easy and that is why it is paying such great dividends!

I have had to push myself to commit everyday to both workouts. It would be easy to give up on myself when the days are long and I am tired and didn't get to workout in the morning like I want to...and instead have to cram it in the middle of the afternoon or late at night. I think that is part of what I am learning about myself. I like routine...believe it or not, I really do. So we as Christians do as well.

I think God wants us to throw the routine out the window as so many people get committed to the routine rather than the results of the workout (physical-stronger muscles; spiritual-closer connection to God). It's like the song says: "I don't want to go through the motions..." God knows we are creatures of habit and He is trying to help us change knowing Him more and more. He will create in us a new routine, which is not programmed but is more real and fluid to his Spirit's moving in our lives. The faster we realize the routine is not the result...the faster we realize we are getting closer to Him.

In my reading of 2 Samuel today, it was proven that King David changed his daily routine to escape those seeking to kill him, and in doing so, he was drawn closer to God. Therefore, if we change our daily routine by listening instead of talking, or reading instead of listening, or praying instead of thinking...God will draw us closer to Him as well.

What are you doing to escape your routine and be drawn closer to God?

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