Friday, September 18, 2009


Thank God It's Friday! Today started off with a round of golf at Eagle Crest in Alma with two of our pastors at church. Other than me missing way too many putts, I had a great time golfing with them. It was fun, fellowship, and then of course, food afterwards. I was ridiculed at lunch for ordering a cup of vegetable beef soup and cottage cheese with fruit while they both had big hamburgers...oh well, I stuck to my diet and that is the only reason I am continuing to make progress in this workout plan.

I did ab ripper and legs/back workout today. It was difficult but worth it! Squeezed it in just we are going to the home football game tonight!

I read the first 24 chapters of Psalms today. It is a great book. Wow, the encouragement it brings to us! I hope I can have the attitude, life, character, wisdom, etc that is described in this book so far. It is a great testimony of not only what is possible through God but it demonstrates exactly why God is so good!

Our God is such a mighty, strong, unfathomable God. He can do all things...any things...every thing(s)... He is more than we can know, imagine, and ever comprehend. God is the one person you don't want to live your life without meeting and developing a relationship with. You can throw everyone else you meet by the wayside, if need be, but God is everlasting and will be with you matter where you matter what you are going matter what you have matter who you are!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Suffering...for what?

My workout was great today. Everything about my morning workout was great. Everything. Ok, it was Yoga too...and I still enjoyed it...Annie joined me today too. Wow...she hung in there and did everything as well. She is a trooper. It is fun to workout together...I love her for even wanting to join me...especially after she has seen my agony over the last 6 weeks. She must be tougher than me! :)

I finished the book of Job today. I have always been aware of Job and read thru Job before. I am not sure the significance this time but it has really struck me more this time than before.

Job suffered. And he suffered. And he suffered. At first, his response was incredible as described in yesterday's blog. As his sufferings continued the tone changed. Job went from praise to complaining. Not complaining of God...but complaining that he didn't understand why he was suffering. He drew his own conclusions of punishment for his sin nature and attitude but then quickly downplayed that because he didn't think he was guilty of anything strong enough to create this kind of suffering. Then, he suffered even more because God would not answer him and would not relieve him of the suffering when he prayed to God. Job thought it was as if God has just forgotten about him and was never going to relieve him of the sufferings because Job just "deserved" it.

Then, to top it off, his friends tried to counsel him by pointing out to him that Job was wrong for his actions, attitudes, and opinions. In fact, they tried to point out why they knew he was suffering and why he should immediately change his attitude because it was sinful and wrong.

God has a mysterious way about Him and His plans that no one knows. God finally spoke...and He chose to speak to Job rather than any of the friends. God told Job that he was not the author of all of this, that he didn't create the heavens, that he is not in control...but God is in control and He is the author of the suffering and that He intends it for something greater than just punishment but for something good. God didn't really even provide Job an answer for his sufferings...He just made it a point to be sure Job still knew who was in control of his life. He, in fact, chastises the friends for acting as if they knew what was wrong and why, for trying to appear to be as righteous as Job was...when God would much rather have heard Job's grumbling because He knew it was honest, without cursing to God, and real from Job's heart. It wasn't a superficial knowledge of God. Job was restored because of his righteousness during his suffering and concern for his friends in the end rather than himself.

His friends spoke about God...while Job spoke with God. There is a big difference. Sufferings come and they go. What are you suffering over right now? Are you grumbling or praising God for whatever He is trying to do in your life through the pain and torment? Don't give up hope. God is watching and waiting to bless you through it. The answer to "why" may never be given during your life her on earth...but it doesn't matter. It still has a purpose that God His mysterious ways.

Unbelievable faith!

Well, my workout has been going well. I am well into my 6th week of activity and really enjoying it. At times, the workouts that seemed easier in the beginning now seem to really be more difficult...must be due to my increase of weight/resistance bands/etc. Regardless, I am continuing faithfully to the routine.

In addition to the physical routine, I have continued faithfully to the 90-day reading thru the Bible workout as well. I began reading in Job yesterday and we go:

I would like you to close your eyes...of course, after you read this paragraph, and think of everything that is of importance and value to you...your home, children, spouse, job, church, money, reputation, health, etc....these are all things that hold a special place in your heart and life. You really can't imagine life without them, I am sure.

Now imagine that one day, everything was taken from you and would never return to you. Never. It was all gone. Everything you held dear and valued was stripped away from you by either terror, greed, sickness, tragedy, storm, etc. How would you respond? Let me remind you, not over a course of a couple weeks but in just a couple of days, everything vanished. Now, think again, how you respond?

Job responded in an unbelievable way and here it is: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord fave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job 1:21

Think about his response...really let it soak in. I did yesterday when I read it and I was overwhelmed with guilt and praise all at the same time. I was feeling guilt because of all the things that has ever happened to me, I was too weak to respond in this manner. I was always asking "why, God?" rather than just praising Him for being who He is. Then I was feeling praise because it is possible to be like Job, with God's help and my faithfulness and commitment to Him on a daily basis...I, too, can respond this way should anything else ever come up that is difficult!

Job's faith is unbelievable at first...because it makes you take a step back and say, wow! I want an unbelievable faith like Job. Lord help me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What are you building?

I read the book of Esther today and was left with the question above: What are you building?

In this book, it is quite clear that Haman, the King's servant leader, wanted to be honored and rise in stature among the people. He did everything out of pride, hoping to be held in high esteem by King Xerxes. There came a time when Haman began despising the Jews due to a man named Mordecai. He was a Jew and would not obey the King's orders to bow and pay homage to Haman as his leader. As a result, Haman was angry and vowed to make Mordecai pay for his disobedience. Ultimately, Haman allowed his anger to also form a hatred toward all Jewish people.

During the story, Haman had a hanging gallows built in order to hang Mordecai once he was able to convince King Xerxes Mordecai deserved to die. However, due to the providence of God and Queen Esther's plea to King Xerxes, and her uncovering of the plot of Haman, King Xerxes had Haman hung on the gallows intended to kill Mordecai (this story has been considerably paraphrased due to size limitation).

My questions in the brief paraphrase are this: what if Haman had been building up a way to honor Mordecai because of his loyalty to King Xerxes by telling him of a plot that some of his army men were trying to kill the King? What if Haman would have been seeking a way to honor others rather than himself? Would the same thing have happened as the end result? Would Haman have been repaid with honor and riches since that is what he was trying to do for others?

I believe that rather than seeking ways to promote yourself or pride yourself, find ways to promote and honor others. In doing so, you will be promoted and honored by God (regardless of if it is while you are living here on earth or not)...and that is the best end result we could all want. Quit worrying about how "you" look to others...God already knows all the good and bad of you and he still loves you so........

Build something good for others...

My workout is still in live mode...getting tired of routine...but still pressing onward. Results are still evident...and becoming so more and more each day!

Monday, September 14, 2009

God knows everything. Right? God knows everything so do we need to provide all the details of every situation that we need His help, guidance, forgiveness, etc. to Him when we pray?

In my reading and conclusion of the book of Nehemiah today, I was encouraged to tell God everything, every little detail. In Nehemiah's prayers, he recounts the past events to God while seeking His favor and grace. Why does he do that? I mean, God already knows what He did through Nehemiah during his day. Why should he tell God again?

I believe God wants to hear your heart. God wants to hear your pain so that He knows you are truly building a long-lasting relationship with Him for the right reasons. He wants to be close to you. In order to be close, little details matter. Remember the time you told your best friend something really important? You probably walked them step-by-step through the circumstances and provided every detail so they can feel with you.

God is no different. Of course, He already knows but He wants to be included in every aspect of your life so that you, I, we, know Him when He responds and acts in our lives.

Don't be caught in the trap of being general too much with God...or you will become lukewarm, vague, going thru the motions, etc with Him and He will spit you out! Be real. Be genuine. Be on fire with God when speaking with Him. Show Him your heart. He knows you already but He wants to hear you! Your His He is always wanting to hear, no matter if He knows the situation already!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 5 gone...bring on 6!

I have finished week 5! Now onto more of the same but gettin' better! I have thoroughly enjoyed the P90X workout and the Journey thru the Bible in 90 days too! It is all going as planned...tracking at a steady 20 pounds lost and muscles starting to show more. My shape is coming back...back from the dead! ha

In my reading of Ezra today, I was brought to the passage where Ezra is deeply upset about the sin of intermarriage that had been taking place that God commanded the people of Israel not to do. He fell before the Lord and began praying his heart out for the people of Israel. Ezra had not broken the command but because he was their leader, his heart pained him so. When the people saw and heard Ezra's prayer, they too felt the guilt and condemnation and thus fell before the Lord as well and began praying, seeking forgiveness and redemption, and later restored in communion with God.

It taught me that sometimes God's chosen leader (in this case Ezra) leads his people in repentance so that the people will be led to repentance. Ezra didn't need to repent for himself as he didn't commit the sins his people committed, however, because of his sincerity, concern, and love for his "sheep" and his fear of the Lord, he immediately responded thru prayer once he learned of the sins.

Therefore, the questions I had racing through my mind were centered around this question: "What areas has our leader (in my case Brother Danny or Tony) sought repentance for us as his people that either we need to begin repenting over or that we have altogether missed?" I don't think all people really hear the God-chosen leader in this manner. Many write off what the pastor says as "that is how he feels but not how I feel about the situation or issue or etc.". Rather, we should have the same response as did the people of Israel, and that is to fall down and begin repenting if our leader senses this is an area we need to pray about.

I wonder what our churches, our towns, our communities, etc. would be like if we all responded to our pastor's heart, concerns, etc like the people of Israel did with Ezra's prayer and concern? Why don't we just start now...and check back in 1 year...good things could happen!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The few, the proud, the end...

Today is a a grueling Kenpo workout routine. I have really enjoyed it and it make me sweat more than any other I am looking forward to it! I have actually gained about 1-2 pounds back to about 179 from 196 at the start...not sure why, but I am paying attention closely. My diet is still strict and being adhered to regularly...maybe fat conversion to muscle...??? Waiting to see in another week or so.

Today in my reading it was quite easy to see that out of all the Kings of Israel and Judah, only a few were found to be "right in the eyes of the Lord". There were so many that disobeyed God and led the people astray. It caused them great trouble, hardship, famine, plagues, death, etc. The few that stood up for God and His commands were blessed and their families were blessed, so long as they continued to walk in the ways of the Lord.

There were also a lot of those who had too much pride in their lives...both those who were not living right in the eyes of the Lord and even a few who loved the Lord but became proud when they shouldn't have. Hezekiah is one example of a good King that angered the Lord because of his pride of being healed and spared in his life...another 15 years were added onto his life, yet he didn't respond to God's kindness the way the Lord intended and thus was reduced in God's blessings.

Lastly, I reached the end of 2 Chronicles today and realized again how many leaders there were and how many times God's patience and love abounded, even amidst times when it probably shouldn't have been so great.

Thank you God for loving us. Thank you God for being so patient with us. Thank you God for giving us second chances to find our way back to you. Thank you for your mercy in giving our punishments. Thank you for your riches in providing your blessings. Thank you for who you are and for helping us get to know you better as we are just way too ignorant to truly understand how great you are God! I love you.