Friday, September 18, 2009


Thank God It's Friday! Today started off with a round of golf at Eagle Crest in Alma with two of our pastors at church. Other than me missing way too many putts, I had a great time golfing with them. It was fun, fellowship, and then of course, food afterwards. I was ridiculed at lunch for ordering a cup of vegetable beef soup and cottage cheese with fruit while they both had big hamburgers...oh well, I stuck to my diet and that is the only reason I am continuing to make progress in this workout plan.

I did ab ripper and legs/back workout today. It was difficult but worth it! Squeezed it in just we are going to the home football game tonight!

I read the first 24 chapters of Psalms today. It is a great book. Wow, the encouragement it brings to us! I hope I can have the attitude, life, character, wisdom, etc that is described in this book so far. It is a great testimony of not only what is possible through God but it demonstrates exactly why God is so good!

Our God is such a mighty, strong, unfathomable God. He can do all things...any things...every thing(s)... He is more than we can know, imagine, and ever comprehend. God is the one person you don't want to live your life without meeting and developing a relationship with. You can throw everyone else you meet by the wayside, if need be, but God is everlasting and will be with you matter where you matter what you are going matter what you have matter who you are!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Suffering...for what?

My workout was great today. Everything about my morning workout was great. Everything. Ok, it was Yoga too...and I still enjoyed it...Annie joined me today too. Wow...she hung in there and did everything as well. She is a trooper. It is fun to workout together...I love her for even wanting to join me...especially after she has seen my agony over the last 6 weeks. She must be tougher than me! :)

I finished the book of Job today. I have always been aware of Job and read thru Job before. I am not sure the significance this time but it has really struck me more this time than before.

Job suffered. And he suffered. And he suffered. At first, his response was incredible as described in yesterday's blog. As his sufferings continued the tone changed. Job went from praise to complaining. Not complaining of God...but complaining that he didn't understand why he was suffering. He drew his own conclusions of punishment for his sin nature and attitude but then quickly downplayed that because he didn't think he was guilty of anything strong enough to create this kind of suffering. Then, he suffered even more because God would not answer him and would not relieve him of the suffering when he prayed to God. Job thought it was as if God has just forgotten about him and was never going to relieve him of the sufferings because Job just "deserved" it.

Then, to top it off, his friends tried to counsel him by pointing out to him that Job was wrong for his actions, attitudes, and opinions. In fact, they tried to point out why they knew he was suffering and why he should immediately change his attitude because it was sinful and wrong.

God has a mysterious way about Him and His plans that no one knows. God finally spoke...and He chose to speak to Job rather than any of the friends. God told Job that he was not the author of all of this, that he didn't create the heavens, that he is not in control...but God is in control and He is the author of the suffering and that He intends it for something greater than just punishment but for something good. God didn't really even provide Job an answer for his sufferings...He just made it a point to be sure Job still knew who was in control of his life. He, in fact, chastises the friends for acting as if they knew what was wrong and why, for trying to appear to be as righteous as Job was...when God would much rather have heard Job's grumbling because He knew it was honest, without cursing to God, and real from Job's heart. It wasn't a superficial knowledge of God. Job was restored because of his righteousness during his suffering and concern for his friends in the end rather than himself.

His friends spoke about God...while Job spoke with God. There is a big difference. Sufferings come and they go. What are you suffering over right now? Are you grumbling or praising God for whatever He is trying to do in your life through the pain and torment? Don't give up hope. God is watching and waiting to bless you through it. The answer to "why" may never be given during your life her on earth...but it doesn't matter. It still has a purpose that God His mysterious ways.

Unbelievable faith!

Well, my workout has been going well. I am well into my 6th week of activity and really enjoying it. At times, the workouts that seemed easier in the beginning now seem to really be more difficult...must be due to my increase of weight/resistance bands/etc. Regardless, I am continuing faithfully to the routine.

In addition to the physical routine, I have continued faithfully to the 90-day reading thru the Bible workout as well. I began reading in Job yesterday and we go:

I would like you to close your eyes...of course, after you read this paragraph, and think of everything that is of importance and value to you...your home, children, spouse, job, church, money, reputation, health, etc....these are all things that hold a special place in your heart and life. You really can't imagine life without them, I am sure.

Now imagine that one day, everything was taken from you and would never return to you. Never. It was all gone. Everything you held dear and valued was stripped away from you by either terror, greed, sickness, tragedy, storm, etc. How would you respond? Let me remind you, not over a course of a couple weeks but in just a couple of days, everything vanished. Now, think again, how you respond?

Job responded in an unbelievable way and here it is: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord fave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job 1:21

Think about his response...really let it soak in. I did yesterday when I read it and I was overwhelmed with guilt and praise all at the same time. I was feeling guilt because of all the things that has ever happened to me, I was too weak to respond in this manner. I was always asking "why, God?" rather than just praising Him for being who He is. Then I was feeling praise because it is possible to be like Job, with God's help and my faithfulness and commitment to Him on a daily basis...I, too, can respond this way should anything else ever come up that is difficult!

Job's faith is unbelievable at first...because it makes you take a step back and say, wow! I want an unbelievable faith like Job. Lord help me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What are you building?

I read the book of Esther today and was left with the question above: What are you building?

In this book, it is quite clear that Haman, the King's servant leader, wanted to be honored and rise in stature among the people. He did everything out of pride, hoping to be held in high esteem by King Xerxes. There came a time when Haman began despising the Jews due to a man named Mordecai. He was a Jew and would not obey the King's orders to bow and pay homage to Haman as his leader. As a result, Haman was angry and vowed to make Mordecai pay for his disobedience. Ultimately, Haman allowed his anger to also form a hatred toward all Jewish people.

During the story, Haman had a hanging gallows built in order to hang Mordecai once he was able to convince King Xerxes Mordecai deserved to die. However, due to the providence of God and Queen Esther's plea to King Xerxes, and her uncovering of the plot of Haman, King Xerxes had Haman hung on the gallows intended to kill Mordecai (this story has been considerably paraphrased due to size limitation).

My questions in the brief paraphrase are this: what if Haman had been building up a way to honor Mordecai because of his loyalty to King Xerxes by telling him of a plot that some of his army men were trying to kill the King? What if Haman would have been seeking a way to honor others rather than himself? Would the same thing have happened as the end result? Would Haman have been repaid with honor and riches since that is what he was trying to do for others?

I believe that rather than seeking ways to promote yourself or pride yourself, find ways to promote and honor others. In doing so, you will be promoted and honored by God (regardless of if it is while you are living here on earth or not)...and that is the best end result we could all want. Quit worrying about how "you" look to others...God already knows all the good and bad of you and he still loves you so........

Build something good for others...

My workout is still in live mode...getting tired of routine...but still pressing onward. Results are still evident...and becoming so more and more each day!

Monday, September 14, 2009

God knows everything. Right? God knows everything so do we need to provide all the details of every situation that we need His help, guidance, forgiveness, etc. to Him when we pray?

In my reading and conclusion of the book of Nehemiah today, I was encouraged to tell God everything, every little detail. In Nehemiah's prayers, he recounts the past events to God while seeking His favor and grace. Why does he do that? I mean, God already knows what He did through Nehemiah during his day. Why should he tell God again?

I believe God wants to hear your heart. God wants to hear your pain so that He knows you are truly building a long-lasting relationship with Him for the right reasons. He wants to be close to you. In order to be close, little details matter. Remember the time you told your best friend something really important? You probably walked them step-by-step through the circumstances and provided every detail so they can feel with you.

God is no different. Of course, He already knows but He wants to be included in every aspect of your life so that you, I, we, know Him when He responds and acts in our lives.

Don't be caught in the trap of being general too much with God...or you will become lukewarm, vague, going thru the motions, etc with Him and He will spit you out! Be real. Be genuine. Be on fire with God when speaking with Him. Show Him your heart. He knows you already but He wants to hear you! Your His He is always wanting to hear, no matter if He knows the situation already!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 5 gone...bring on 6!

I have finished week 5! Now onto more of the same but gettin' better! I have thoroughly enjoyed the P90X workout and the Journey thru the Bible in 90 days too! It is all going as planned...tracking at a steady 20 pounds lost and muscles starting to show more. My shape is coming back...back from the dead! ha

In my reading of Ezra today, I was brought to the passage where Ezra is deeply upset about the sin of intermarriage that had been taking place that God commanded the people of Israel not to do. He fell before the Lord and began praying his heart out for the people of Israel. Ezra had not broken the command but because he was their leader, his heart pained him so. When the people saw and heard Ezra's prayer, they too felt the guilt and condemnation and thus fell before the Lord as well and began praying, seeking forgiveness and redemption, and later restored in communion with God.

It taught me that sometimes God's chosen leader (in this case Ezra) leads his people in repentance so that the people will be led to repentance. Ezra didn't need to repent for himself as he didn't commit the sins his people committed, however, because of his sincerity, concern, and love for his "sheep" and his fear of the Lord, he immediately responded thru prayer once he learned of the sins.

Therefore, the questions I had racing through my mind were centered around this question: "What areas has our leader (in my case Brother Danny or Tony) sought repentance for us as his people that either we need to begin repenting over or that we have altogether missed?" I don't think all people really hear the God-chosen leader in this manner. Many write off what the pastor says as "that is how he feels but not how I feel about the situation or issue or etc.". Rather, we should have the same response as did the people of Israel, and that is to fall down and begin repenting if our leader senses this is an area we need to pray about.

I wonder what our churches, our towns, our communities, etc. would be like if we all responded to our pastor's heart, concerns, etc like the people of Israel did with Ezra's prayer and concern? Why don't we just start now...and check back in 1 year...good things could happen!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The few, the proud, the end...

Today is a a grueling Kenpo workout routine. I have really enjoyed it and it make me sweat more than any other I am looking forward to it! I have actually gained about 1-2 pounds back to about 179 from 196 at the start...not sure why, but I am paying attention closely. My diet is still strict and being adhered to regularly...maybe fat conversion to muscle...??? Waiting to see in another week or so.

Today in my reading it was quite easy to see that out of all the Kings of Israel and Judah, only a few were found to be "right in the eyes of the Lord". There were so many that disobeyed God and led the people astray. It caused them great trouble, hardship, famine, plagues, death, etc. The few that stood up for God and His commands were blessed and their families were blessed, so long as they continued to walk in the ways of the Lord.

There were also a lot of those who had too much pride in their lives...both those who were not living right in the eyes of the Lord and even a few who loved the Lord but became proud when they shouldn't have. Hezekiah is one example of a good King that angered the Lord because of his pride of being healed and spared in his life...another 15 years were added onto his life, yet he didn't respond to God's kindness the way the Lord intended and thus was reduced in God's blessings.

Lastly, I reached the end of 2 Chronicles today and realized again how many leaders there were and how many times God's patience and love abounded, even amidst times when it probably shouldn't have been so great.

Thank you God for loving us. Thank you God for being so patient with us. Thank you God for giving us second chances to find our way back to you. Thank you for your mercy in giving our punishments. Thank you for your riches in providing your blessings. Thank you for who you are and for helping us get to know you better as we are just way too ignorant to truly understand how great you are God! I love you.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Today is a day to reflect. A day to remember what everyone saw on 9/11. It is a vision that most will never forget or be able to get out of their sights.

In my reading today, a verse of Scripture found in 2 Chronicles 16:9a states "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."

It is so reassuring to know that no matter what the circumstances we face, have faced, or will face, God sees us and is intently looking to strengthen us when we are fully committed to him.

So during the 9/11 attacks, God was watching those whose hearts were fully committed to him on that day. We can rest assured that He strengthened them and gave them a courage during that tragedy while others feared their lives, panicked, and fled with terror. While we have great sensitivity to all those who lost loved ones that day, we can also take great comfort and peace in knowing that our God is a mighty fortress and gave those followers a great sense of presence and strength during their last moments. Something only God can do...He did.

(My workout today is legs and back...difficult...but I am making it. My diet is still going as planned. Staying steady at the 20 pounds lost...). Getting stronger, more flexible, and more energy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If you could have just 1 wish...

If you could have just one wish, what would it be? For me, a lot of things come to mind. And when I try and write them down, I am unable because everything I am thinking about has "me" in it. I wonder if it is possible to wish or "want something so much" and it not have any self-serving benefits?

In my reading today, it is recorded in 1 Chronicles the passage (paraphrased) "...and if My people will humble themselves and call upon my name and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them and forgive them..."

This is it...just one wish...God is wishing that "if" His people...He wants us to. I can hear it from His word...can you? What "if" we all did this...ALL...? This one wish would rescue all of us from the lives that we live. The pasts that we had. The future that is unseen. Some of us have already lived out this passage...and continue to do so on a daily isn't this the real wish we all need to have?

I wish that all would come to know God in a way that allows this passage to come true in their lives so that the world would be changed forever and all of our lives would be filled with such a deeper meaning than currently exists in the world.

Is it possible? If God declared it, it is. Isn't it time you declared it too?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

20 pounds down and more muscle to go!

I have lost 20 pounds now since I started this workout program 30 days ago. I am excited by the results and can't wait to see more of the muscle growth now. Today is a new routine day on the biceps and chest...difficult but very productive and can instantly feel the benefits...ok, at least right after the soreness goes away. My diet has been very restricted and conservative so I am probably going to change the consistency of my food where I add a few more carbohydrates and reduce some my weight my not go down any at this point but I will be using the food to build muscle faster now rather than shedding fat. We'll see....

Still reading in 1 of the recounts of action was David's prayer of thanks. How marvelous this section of Scripture is. 1 Chronicles 16:7-36. This was done in front of many people when David was committing the Levites before the ark of the Lord.

There are so many verses I can take out of this section but the one that stands out to me today is vs. 34. It reminds me of the song Michael W Smith sings "Forever...?" "Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King. His loves endures forever"...

Has it ever really occurred to you how much our God loves us? How long He has loved us? How long He will continue to love us? I am not sure it can ever actually settle in on our minds as we are not fit for such Godly understanding...but when we even begin to grasp a piece of this understanding, it is overwhelming and hard to express our gratitude.

God loves us so much...He has done everything for us! How do you express this gratitude to Him? Obedience, faithfulness, servanthood, worship, etc...are some of the ways I know how...but certainly not an entire list. What is it for you? How are trying to demonstrate your gratitude to God...?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Confident or coward?

A quick note on my physical workout...I have lost approximately 18 pounds now. It is the beginning of the 5th week (so Day 29)...I have done quite well sticking with this. I started taking vitamins today as well that will help keep my metabolism high. shed fat, and build lean muscle. Plyometrics today. Yesterday's routine (new one for chest, shoulders and triceps) was pretty tough. I am quite sore today.

I am well into the book of 1 Chronicles today and really have enjoyed my reading thus far. It has helped my prayer life as well as so many passages in the OT demonstrate great prayer examples. It is also teaching me patience thru seeing how patient God has been with His throughout all history.

In 1 Chronicles, it is believed to be Ezra who wrote the book and in it, he details his account of the genealogy of the Israelites, Kings, sons, etc. This is where the "Prayer of Jabez" is found as well. In addition, he highlights the event of Saul, David, etc. and I just finished reading the passage where he recounts David's mighty men. The portion of the scripture that I enjoy is the confidence David exhibits when he states (paraphrased by me): "If you are for me, join me and let's get on with things. If you are against me, be forewarned that my God will deal with you since I have done no evil."

Do we exhibit the kind of confidence King David demonstrated? He needed help. He took help when it was genuine and he didn't try and defend himself. He let God do his fighting with those who were against him and trying to bring him down. David's mighty men saw to it that David succeeded. They didn't drag him down. They protected him and fought courageously with him. They had this confidence as well because David had confidence.

Have we ever faced opposition for living right with God? Have we ever been afforded the opportunity to present ourselves confidently toward our opponent or have we failed to do so because we were too coward? When we act on our confidence, which is rooted in God alone not ourselves, God provides an assurance and peace about our actions. He guides our steps. He provides all the right things for us to succeed. When we act this way, it is contagious and others catch it, like David's mighty men.

Next time you are faced with this kind of a situation, remember King David and his mighty men. Be confident in Christ! Don't waste your time trying to defend yourself...let God and he will provide what you need to succeed.

Who said prayer doesn't work?

In 2 Kings, Hezekiah is a true man of God...finally. After all the many Kings of Israel/Judah, so many have fallen by the way side, only to follow so many other gods. But Hezekiah stands true to the Lord his whole life.

Hezekiah became ill and was given a prophecy that said he would die soon and not be able to recover from the illness. His heart was burdened and so he went directly to the Lord in prayer and prayed a magnificent prayer in 2 Kings. As a direct result of not only his prayer but his faithful walk with the Lord, God decided to tell him that he would now recover and live another 15 years more so he could finish the tasks that God had him on earth for.

Do you know "those" people who say prayer doesn't work? Have you heard it said that prayers are pointless because God isn't going to answer you the way you want? C'mon, you know you have had times when you even believed that praying a certain way wouldn't be the right thing to do?

Well, Hezekiah knew what the Lord wanted. He knew what he wanted. He lived a faithful life close to God. He obeyed God in all he did. Therefore, he went to prayer and asked God specifically for what he wanted, all in the caveat it was God's will.

Do you pray like Hezekiah or do you pray generically and at a high level so the details are never prayed about? I believe God wants us to voice our concerns to Him. I believe He wants us to be specific in our requests. I believe He wants us to tell Him our every need and want. I believe He expects us to yield to His will when what we are praying for isn't in His plan for us.

Doesn't God already know these things? So why pray for them? It is a matter of closeness and friendship with God that matters. Do you tell you every little detail to others, friends, mom/dad, etc.? We have all sat around with our very closest friend and discussed an issue with them...yet, so many times, we have left the most important friend out of the picture, who has the unimaginable ability and power to actually help us in the situation...that being, God!

The assumption here is a very big one: living according to God's Word. If you are truly "right" with God, then ask Him, tell Him, discuss with Him everything in detail that is going on in your life and He will become even closer to you than you thought possible. God does care and He does hear our prayers...and yes, they do work.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What kind of friends do you have?

Today is Sunday and therefore it is a day of rest. Both in the workout program and I have read and continued in my 90-day read thru the Bible workout. I am reading in 2 Kings now...and the story of Namaan was reviewed.

Namaan had the disease of leprosy and was wanting healed. He traveled to Elisha, God's prophet, seeking what to do to be healed. Elisha informed him to go to the Jordan River and dip seven times and on the seventh he would be healed. When Namaan heard this he left and was angry because he didn't believe this would heal him.

Upon returning to his home, he had friends (servants-those closest to him) who asked him to reconsider what Elisha informed him to do so that he could be healed. Basically, Namaan's friends were urging him to listen to the advice and instruction he had just been given. Upon hearing from his friends, Namaan changed his mind and listened. He went and dipped 7 times...and was healed as prophesied by Elisha.

It made me stop and I have friends in my life that would see my disobedience and urge me to reconsider my actions? Do you have friends who see your disobedience and urge you towards corrective action?

It is important that we get close to a couple of trustworthy people who we can count on (even when we don't want to) to help us along our journey towards God rather than those who pull us further away. Be sure to build relationships with this in mind...and also know you can be a friend to someone as well...helping them in their time of disobedience.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weekend...

Well, I finished my fourth week today and have a day of rest tomorrow!!!! Yea. I have officially lost 18 pounds as of I may have lost more but I haven't weighed in the last couple days since I am not on the same scale. I want to be accurate. The diet is going well...sometimes harder than it probably needs to be...but I am committed!

We are in Lawrence, Kansas for the holiday weekend...and even though we are relaxing I was able to get my Yoga routine in today. The 2nd phase starts Monday now I am anxious to see how things "pick up".

My reading today was into 2 Kings. Elijah entered the scene in 1's amazing to me the powers God gave Elijah. A true prophet...a true servant. When Elijah ascended into Heaven, Elisha recognized the awesome"ness" of God and immediately gave praise to God.

Do we respond the same way? Better yet, have you recognized the awesome"ness" of God recently? I think it is very important for us to keep our eyes attuned to what is surrounding us so that when something pwerful happens, we can clearly recognize when it is from God. In doing so, we can immediately give Him praise and also receive the blessings of witnessing, recognizing, and leading others to Him through the experience.

Are you seeing the wonderful power of God at work in your life like He was during Elijah and Elisha's day? If not, maybe your eyes are not really open like we think. Open and see all that is around you...there are blessings everywhere!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

After all the wisdom and understanding God gave Solomon in his reign over Israel and Judah, he forfeits it all because of his many wives and their gods they worshipped! Wouldn't it seem like Solomon would have been able to use his wisdom and avoid this spiritually immature thing to do? Of course you would think so...but in the 1 Kings text it is clear that he disobeyed God's command not to marry from the other tribes...and he fact over 300 wives and 600 concubines....??? When is enough enough? And that isn't the major reason he was stripped of the was because he yielded to his wives gods and their worship of them. in fact, he even built altars to their gods for them and worshipped them himself.

To think about this is like reading a story in today's newspaper of hearing about a major preacher/servant of God today being lured into major sin that becomes very public. IT JUST MAKES YOU SICK AND HURT AND ANGRY! Why do people do this?

I think one of the lessons for me...NEVER GET COMFORTABLE IN YOUR FAITH!!! Just when you think you have everything going well for you, if you take your eyes off God, you will fall. And fall hard! So...everyone...please check your faith. Ask the Holy Spirit to check your life, inside and out, hidden or exposed, whatever you have going on in your mind, heart, etc. Seek holiness and recognize the snares in your life that are trying to bring you down. Rid yourself of them...and you will avoid a major fall because your eyes will be turned to God.

Core synergies was the workout today. Very good...and also made me think about the "core" of my spiritual life. What is it made of? Rock, solid muscles (heart for God) or weak, fatty tissue (no faith action/practice at all)...

What are you made of? What is your core? Check yourself, before you wreck yourself!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

If not the father, the son.

Even though King David wasn't permitted to complete the task of building the Temple for God (of cedar) on Earth, his son, Solomon was. God planned for this and communicated to David that he could not finish the task but that his son Solomon would. As such, the transition of power took place while King David was still alive and he watched his son, Solomon, take over the throne of Israel and Judah.

Can you imagine what the father, David, felt as he watched his son, Solomon, take the throne. I am sure he was very well pleased, comforted, proud, happy, etc. For a father to watch his son not only take a leadership role but also know that he will surpass his father's accomplishments (in God's eyes) is an awesome thing. It is a fulfillment that every man should want for his son.

God sent his Son, Jesus, to accomplish what He chose for Him. God knew that it would take his Son to be able to be a lasting atonement for our sins that needed no other to follow. As such, Jesus came to the world and did just that. He accomplished all He had set out to do. It pleased His Father, God, greatly. Aren't we glad too....? Yes!

Can we rejoice in our children's futures? Surely. It takes prayer, consistency, and patience to rejoice. All of these attributes take time, attention and intentional work. So, let's give our kids the best future possible by praying more for them; by consistently pressing them to be the kind of child God commands and blesses; and by remaining patient when they make mistakes. Finally, spending time, paying attention to them, and intentionally making them feel special and loved is most important in building their trust, love and foundation for their future.

Remember, God "gifted" children to us...don't forget they are "only on loan" until He calls them to come back Home.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

King David and Kenpo X

I wonder if King David, as good of a warrior in battle as he was, could do the Kenpo X workout routine? OK, OK, probably is not as hard as killing people in hand-to-hand combat or sword fighting...I am sure. But I bet he would be sweating when he got done doing the routine. It would have required some effort, some pain, some energy, and some work on his part.

I think that is the point for me too. I have always wanted things to come easy in life. Whether it was work, family, friends, sports, etc...I have wanted the "good life" with as little effort as possible. That is the American way, right? Well, in my physical and spiritual transformation journey thus far, neither have been easy and that is why it is paying such great dividends!

I have had to push myself to commit everyday to both workouts. It would be easy to give up on myself when the days are long and I am tired and didn't get to workout in the morning like I want to...and instead have to cram it in the middle of the afternoon or late at night. I think that is part of what I am learning about myself. I like routine...believe it or not, I really do. So we as Christians do as well.

I think God wants us to throw the routine out the window as so many people get committed to the routine rather than the results of the workout (physical-stronger muscles; spiritual-closer connection to God). It's like the song says: "I don't want to go through the motions..." God knows we are creatures of habit and He is trying to help us change knowing Him more and more. He will create in us a new routine, which is not programmed but is more real and fluid to his Spirit's moving in our lives. The faster we realize the routine is not the result...the faster we realize we are getting closer to Him.

In my reading of 2 Samuel today, it was proven that King David changed his daily routine to escape those seeking to kill him, and in doing so, he was drawn closer to God. Therefore, if we change our daily routine by listening instead of talking, or reading instead of listening, or praying instead of thinking...God will draw us closer to Him as well.

What are you doing to escape your routine and be drawn closer to God?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


"And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes?" This is Nathan speaking to David on behalf of God Himself. It is right after David committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed in battle to cover up the fact that she was pregnant by David.

David had been given everything he ever dreamed of from God. He had not only the possessions and wealth, status and honor, but had God's own heart! Yet, as it says in wasn't enough obviously. David turned and sinned and created calamity on his household and destruction by the sword.

Everything was going David's way...he killed tens of thousands of people, beat Goliath the giant, stared terror in the face and was victorious, yet he couldn't stand on his own and beat the temptation of another woman.

Who or what is your Bathsheba? Everyone has something in their life that will snatch them up, if unprotected by God, and eat them alive in sin. I ask that question because it is real. It is true. being able to stop and think about what "thing" is your weak point. If you know what your weakness is, you can be better prepared to deal with it when it comes your way. Not on your own, of course, but with God's help.

Don't be like David and have everything going your way to only mess it up by your own weakness. Rely on God daily and you will be given protection to stand firm in the face of your temptation. We may not have been made perfect...but we certainly have the power through the Holy Spirit to avoid all evil and use it! Don't waste what is already in you!

My core synergies workout was a first today. New routine, new feelings, new sore muscles! I am cranking it out. Diet is good...feeling great. Seeing the results. Can't wait to see the first 30 day pics results...already can tell from my vantage point (belt loop, hah).

Monday, August 31, 2009

Recovery Week...

Well...back to yoga today. It is starting to gain in my likeability factor. I actually was able to do more of the exercises today than I had before so it must be paying off. It is a lot more difficult than I ever imagined it to be. I am cracking away on my diet and workout plan and really enjoying how I feel each day! Almost 1/3 of the way there! yea.

King Saul, David and Jonathan, David and, the stories are packed with excitement. I am simply amazed at how well God plans for the succession of leadership in Israel! Have you ever thought about that...? God is the ultimate planner. He planned everything...and knew exactly what was going to take place, when and where, how, who, etc. I wish I could be as diligent in not just my planning but my execution. In fact, that is what this 90 day period is for me.

It is a time for me to plan, execute, and see results. Can't we also do this with our faith and spiritual walk? If I plan to speak to others about Christ, execute it by actually doing so, and then sit back and watch the results of the effort...isn't this a good thing? Well, it is...but I began thinking about even more. What if I was able to plan how I lived my life, day by day, setting up opportunities for me to demonstrate the Jesus that lives in me so that they will see Jesus...not just hear me talk about Him. If so, then they would actually be encountering Christ working through me. Isn't that what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ?

Isn't this what people that don't know Jesus are complaining about...? They can't see the difference between those who know Christ and those who don't. The divorce rate is the same, the single parenting rate is the same, the attitudes are the same, the motives are the same, church membership versus church attendance is indicative of lack of commitment, etc.

So what can I do to facilitate Christ to others so they see a real difference Jesus makes? I remain open and available, in close connection with God on a daily basis, and find opportunities to let others see Jesus in me so they will be drawn with a curiosity that needs explained. Then be ready to give the reason for the joy I have and what it can mean to those who don't know Him yet.

Lord, help me to live a life that is easily noticed to be passionately influenced and driven by Jesus Christ!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tomorrow starts week 4...and I have lost 16 pounds!

Well, today was a day of rest in the physical routine and tomorrow begins the 4th week which is a recovery week. It simply means no heavy weight lifting but just cardio, plyometrics, kenpo and, of course, gives your muscles time to heal, recover, grow, etc.

I will get a good week off, just at the right time, thanks to the Labor Day holiday coming up. My diet is really paying off! I have lost 16 pounds! Yea and I really feel great. I am beginning to see some good results which are keeping me going. I know the 6th week will be tough again as it will begin a new phase of the training program...but I am ready! Bring it! LOL

I am into 1 Samuel now in my reading through the Bible in 90 days as well. I read today about how Samuel was chosen by God to be the next prophet of Israel. It is interesting how God speaks to a child and the child is willing to follow more trustworthy than an adult. Then the transition of power to a King of Israel, Saul. The people of Israel just had to have a leader to follow. They couldn't just hear from God's appointed prophet...had to be a King. So, Saul took that position and ended in misery due to his unfaithfulness to God's command.

Isn't it funny how we, even today, want "signs" or other visible things to demonstrate God's voice to us? We seem not to accept the Spirit alone. We seem not to accept His leader for our church. We seem not to trust and obey. Why is this? Why are we so like the Israelites at times?

God doesn't want us to be this way. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to love Him. He wants us to obey Him in all things. When we do this, I believe He chooses to "let us in" on things that we otherwise wouldn't. Not that it always happens this way, yet I think God grins and smiles down on us when He sees our obedience and blesses us more than we deserve! So let's obey...and be blessed!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Well, I have finished 3 entire weeks of the P90 X workout routine and still alive. The fourth week is considered a recovery week which still means 6 workouts next week but they are more cardio and less muscle so I am anxious to see how well it works!

I feel great. I went on my first grocery run for the next week and let me just say it is a good thing I am not working right now or I wouldn't be sure how to fit all this in every day! But now that I am loaded with great quality food, I am going to be cooking it up! I have lost approx 14 feeling good so far!

I finished reading Judges, read through Ruth, and then on into 1 Samuel. It is really amazing to me to reread the story of Samson and Delilah and see the husband-wife relationship dynamics. Hear you have a man that is so powerful and strong and not even his wife knows of the source. Then Delilah was bribed by the Philistines to coax her husband into telling her of his strength's source so they could overtake Samson and kill him since Samson had killed so many Philistines and all were afraid of him. Of course, Delilah took the bribe and began conjuring up ways to get Samson to tell her of his strength's source. Of course, Samson wouldn't tell her the first 4-5 times...but finally after much nagging and questioning, Samson gave in and told Delilah that his hair was the reason he was so strong and that God was giving him the strength. Of course, that night she found out, she cut his hair and then let the Philistines come in and take him away to kill him.

What amazes me about this story are a couple of things: 1) Samson had to have known Delilah was bribed to find this out after 4-5 failed prior attempts, yet he continued to play with her and ultimately give in to her. 2) Delilah couldn't possibly think she was getting away with this without Samson knowing her efforts. These two points demonstrate to me how providential and sovereign our God is. Here is Samson most likely knowing what his wife is doing and yet can't withstand her efforts to subdue him and thus God's plan is in place and doing exactly what He wants in the situation. Then there is Delilah...still trying to thwart God's plan by intervening and being tricky with her husband even though she realizes Samson is not being honest with her when she inquires about his strength 4-5 times prior. Yet, through all this, God allows Delilah to "win the battle" yet in His infinite wisdom, she still "loses the war" by having Samson ultimately kill the Philistines by breaking down the temple columns and crushing an enormous amount of Philistines that day. In fact, the Bible says he killed more that day in his death than he killed during his entire life before that last act of strength.

It makes me wonder how many times either the my wife or I have been in a similar situation where one or both of us have tried to thwart God's plan rather than submitting and humbling ourselves...not to win the battle or the war...just to be obedient to His will. I can see Delilah right now trying really hard to get Samson to give in by cooking him his favorite meal or building up his ego or by complaining to the point of submission. We have all been there fellas! It is like hearing about changing the light bulb in one of those really difficult high spots in your house or hearing your wife complain about the trash not being taken out or get my point. A woman has a way with her man. Delilah was no different.

What can we do to be sure we are following God's plans rather than our own? What can we do to be sure we are moving forward along God's path rather than being used by the Devil for his evil ways? To me, it is obedience that leads to a closeness with God that enables one to be able to cry out to Him in a time of great need (knowing you have been close to Him when you weren't in a crisis too) and God chooses to respond to you as He did with Samson. He provides. He gives you what you need and sometimes more. He loves you. He hears your call. He is with you.

That is the kind of man I want to be...a closeness to God such that He hears me when I call out. He loves me as His child. He provides and calls me His friend.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Judges is full of great stories!

Beginning with Gideon and on into Samson, the book of Judges is full of marvelous victories that God provided for the Israelites to see. Yet, time and time again, the Israelites continued to dishonor God through their disobedience. It makes me wonder if God is looking down on Earth and feeling the same misery He felt with Israel?

I am reminded of the many different victories God has enabled me to go through. He has received all the praise and glory for them, not me. However, I have been guilty of allowing other things to enter into my sphere of influence at times to lessen the importance of God in my life...and that is exactly what the Israelites did! It is sorrowful to think we are so stubborn, stupid, and simple-minded. God has more patience than we can ever imagine. I pray that God will continue to give us strength to resist all temptations (little or big) and keep Him first in our lives through all circumstances. God help us all!

My workout today was great. Legs and Back plus the Ab Ripper! I finally have made a meal plan that I will consistently follow for the next 9 weeks. This will help me in making sure my total caloric intake is correct and also be sure the % of proteins, carbs, and fat are correct too. I am currently shooting for about 40-40-20. This will help me shed fat and lean it up! Who knows...I am trying!

Who do you serve?

It was a long Thursday. I didn't do my workout until last night at 9:45pm. It was one of those moments that everyone faces where they ask themselves "are you really going to go ahead and keep doing this since it is so late?" It wasn't because I was ready to quit the is because I really just don't like doing the Yoga X routine. It is 1.5 hours long. It is actually quite difficult to do and it really wears you out but makes you think you are not even getting anything out of the workout because it is so low intensity.

The moment came and the moment went. I buckled down and realized all my goals, my work thus far, and my ambitions for the end of 90 days. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to make it without doing it right each day. So....I dropped the CD in around 9:55pm and began. I figured, what better time than now, the kids are all asleep, Annie is here in the room reading and on the computer, so I can do the hardest workout without worry.

Man, was I wrong. Drew came down into our room around 10:20 and stayed in there until about 10:45 watching, and laughing at me as he saw how difficult it was to do Yoga. At first he said, "Dad, c'mon, you can't do that without falling? Ha, that is easy" i made him jump in and he immediately quit laughing at me. It didn't help that Annie was laughing pretty hard too.

Yoga is absolutely crazy. It requires much flexibility and balance. I thought I had this...but wow, not for the X people for sure. Anyways, I continued fighting my way through the workout and completed it around 11:20ish. I was so glad I did it. I felt much better and saw some real improvement from the first two weeks when I performed Yoga. I guess it pays to have goals and look back on them occasionally to see your progress....duh!

Joshua is a great book! I finished it and read into Judges. The only line I am going to bring out of the text is this "Then choose this day whom you will serve...As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord".

Joshua was instructing the people in his last address before dying that the people of Israel need to serve the Lord and not all the other gods that those around them served. It is a great reminder for today's people as well. There are so many gods out there: the earth, famous athletes, movie stars, money, self, family, etc. The only one that commands our servant hood, our worship, our life, our all is the one true God...the maker of heaven and earth and all that is seen and unseen.

Serve the Lord as Joshua. Serve the Lord as Moses. Serve the Lord not yourself.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another Day...Another Pound...

Well, I have lost about 13 pounds right now. Feeling good. Workout was excellent today. Shoulder and arms. I have noticed I am hitting the wall of the eating issue...feeling like I have eaten the same thing over and over again for the last 3 weeks...of which I have. So I am looking for some new menu items that I can find that will allow me to intake about 2800 calories (40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat)...not as easy as it sounds. Oh well, still hanging in there and enjoying it! Feel so good these days.

I jumped into Joshua today and got to be reminded of just how blessed Joshua was so far. He led the Israelites thru massive battle after battle and had God provide all the strength, courage, etc. to win each battle. The entire land of Canaan was overtaken through Joshua, as God communicated to Moses it would be. The Jericho story was fun to read and visualize again.

A neat part of the book so far to me is where God commanded the Israelites not to plunder the "devoted items" when conquering the cities yet some of the Israelites still did this and grieved God to much anger. As a result, God allowed some of their lives to be taken (I think 36 to be exact) when they went up to battle the next time after the plunder. Joshua immediately knew it was something but didn't know what it was that caused it. God instructed him to ask his people who did such a thing and Joshua found the person and put them to death. Joshua realized that they must be put to death to do away with the filfth that robbed Israel of God's protection in battle.

If we could ever get back to fearing the Lord as He commanded and demonstrated so visually well in the OT, I think the world would be a much better place to live temporarily. In fact, I think that is our problem...we don't fear the Lord as we should. We have become complacent in our walk to think God is too gracious and merciful to do such a hurtful thing...when in fact, He has proven both...He can and He will given His purpose.

Let's all fear God the way He intended...otherwise, He may pull His protection from us during our most important battle and we will lose for sure.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday morning motions....and then some!

Is it possible that we just get so wrapped up in the motions because it is just easy to? We are creatures of habit. We are prone to do what comes easy, natural, routine, etc. We believe routine is good. We believe constant busyness is good. We believe having a normal schedule is normal....right?

Well, today, my normal routine, my normal schedule was difficult. It wasn't easy today. My Plyometrix workout was hard for some reason. It is the same DVD as the last 3 weeks...just a lot harder today for some reason. It made me sweat more. It made me hurt more. But I pressed thru and finished it. was a good workout. I wonder why it was so hard today?

I finished the book of Deuteronomy this morning and WOW...was it packed with great words of wisdom! The Israelites being taught wisdom and obedience and what happens when they don't listen or heed the word of God. Scary stuff.

The actual transition of Moses' leadership to Joshua takes place in the last chapter due to Moses' death. To me, the scary part of this transition is for Joshua. He hears from God and Moses that the people he is going to inherit the leadership of is going to stray from God's commands immediately following Moses' death. He had just been told what happens to the people of Israel when they stray and it isn't pretty! How do you think Joshua felt as a future leader knowing that his followers weren't going to pay attention to the warnings and commands of God?

I am guessing Joshua fell prostrate and began begging God for mercy on the people, wisdom to know how to handle them, and grace and courage for leading them. Guess more to find out in the next book...Joshua!

Do we, knowing the outcome, still proceed in a direction that is unrighteous like the Israelites? If so, woe to us, as God has already commanded our obedience and determined the outcome and punishment if we fail to yield to Him. It is sin. It is pushing us away from the closeness to God we should desire and need to make it each day.

God forgive us for our sins of disobedience...even in the little tiny things: attitudes, reactions, thoughts, words, etc. Give us mercy in your punishments. Give us grace to find our way back to you. Give us wisdom to learn and never do these things again. Give us joy when we find our way back to you. Give us comfort and love when you grab us and hold us in your arms!

A great day.

I started my third week Monday. I am still climbing the mountain to the the top. My diet and workout plan has been going very well. I am sore in different places, tired earlier, much more conscientious of what I eat, and feel a lot better physically. I have lost almost 12 pounds fat is being removed. Yea.

I read in Deuteronomy today and again the clarity of the voice of God is what astounds me. In the Old Testament, God speaks through man and it was so clear. There was no question what God was saying. God spoke. Moses relayed the message. The people heard.

It makes me a little envious of that time frame...selfishly thinking I would be one of those who listened all the time. But yet it is quite apparent that the Israelites only had a few who truly listened all the time while the majority continued on in selfishness, immorality, false worshipping, etc.

Today is not much different then. We have a handful of those who are real followers of Christ while we have an enormous amount of people who are not even concerned with God's voice. What can I do to help these unconcerned people get concerned with God? How can I demonstrate what God has said to me? Where can I go that will lead these other people to Christ?

These are the questions that I have swarming my head and heart. More to come...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A day of rest...

IT has been a good first 2 weeks! I am starting the third week of the P90X and feel great. I know the hill I have to climb but I am still hiking. I have lost about 10-11 pounds or so I am starting to feel great.

I read the completion of Numbers and into Deuteronomy today. The transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua...the summary of all that has happened to the Israelites from the beginning of their journey out of Egypt. It was really neat to hear Moses tell the people each and every step how God had been with them in their journey the entire time.

It is nice to look back on our lives and see the hands of God protecting, delivering, guiding, nudging us as we have traveled so far. There are not many reasons but God to explain it all. God has been with us from the beginning and to the end. It is like the song our pastor, Danny had us listen to this morning in church: Mark Schulz "..He was, is, and always will be..."

Lord, help me to be a leader for good. Help me to not grumble and complain about insignificant things. Help me to follow well. Help me to be a promoter of good, encouragement, Christ, etc. Help us all to be the children you want!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are you as spiritually mature as a donkey?

In my reading of Numbers today (13th day of my 90-day journey thru the Bible), the donkey had it's eyes spiritually open so much that it could see the angel of the Lord in the road as she was trying her best to stop Balaam from continuing on in the path to meet Balak. In fact, three separate times the donkey tried to stop Balaam from riding to see him. What did Balaam do each time? You remember....well, he beat his donkey (his faithful donkey for many years) and was very angry with it.

I wonder, are we as spiritually alive as the donkey in the story? Sounds kind of funny...but how many times have you had things suddenly stop you from the path you chose? I believe that if we are not spiritually mature, we will suddenly believe or think that it is the Devil rather than God running Balaam.

Our innate behavior is selfishness and thus a lot of times we believe that our prayers are being answered the way we want them to be. Therefore, when something happens in contradiction to our chosen prayer direction, we tend to think it is "of the Devil". I believe that only through a deep level of spiritual maturity, a close connection with God, a constant walk with the Spirit, will we know if that obstacle is really God instead of the Devil. When we "remain in Him" on a daily basis, He will provide insight through the Spirit to inform/nudge/etc us of what to do.

I don't want to be a Balaam in this instance where I start beating my donkey or getting upset. I want to realize, like the donkey, that God has a message through this sudden change of events and needs me to stop and listen before continuing on in the journey.

Lord, help me be patient, attentive to the sounds of your Spirit calling, and quick to listen to your matter the cost.

Kenpo X today...Annie decided to jump in there with me and have some fun! I was thrilled to have her. TWO WEEKS DOWN and 10 TO GO! 10 pounds lost...and my body is feeling better by the day. I think I am starting to see some results in the muscles too! :) Pics will be uploaded after 30 days...I think. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

A productive Friday...

Wow...a great Friday. Woke up early. Workout went well...legs and back with the ab ripper...felt great all day. Had a healthy eating day again...good breakfast, lunch, and dinner (even though I was tempted greatly by my wife in our SS class party desserts!!!!)

I have lost 9 pounds in 11 body feels better...not because of the weight loss...but because of what I am eating...or not eating. Haven't had a coke or any caffeine in the entire workout program for 12 days. Haven't had any fried foods, haven't had hardly any bread, no butters or mayonnaise...I mean I am really watching everything. I have averaged about 8-9 glasses of water each things are looking good so far!

My reading led me into Numbers today...and read about the continued grumbling of the Israelites. Gosh, I think we are bad today...and we are....but to have all the signs and miraculous wonders like they did way back then....and then to continue complaining and not believing...that is bad. Well, then I stopped and realized...we have signs and wonders everyday...just not sure if anyone or everyone sees them. Moses' faithfulness during the grumbling was beginning to waver fact, he committed his first grievous act of not proclaiming God as Holy to the Israelites during the miracle of the rock producing water. As a direct result, God told Moses he would not be entering the promised land due to this. Reality set in for Moses now.

We had our SS class over tonight for a party and it was really good time spent with others. We laughed, had fun, played games, etc. We have missed the small group setting. But glad to be back in the swing again. Until next time....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 11: Yoga...for the birds...Numbers...counting the raindrops! I don't like the Yoga portion of this workout. I am adding the Ab Ripper later in the day today so I can really feel like I sweat and got a good workout. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying the Yoga is easy...just don't like it...and it doesnt feel the same as the other workouts. I am enjoying this overall...seeing the results already. small but results still the same.

I began reading in the Book of Numbers today. It was like reading the leading military strategy in a war on terror. The number of troops, lined up for battle...yet this battle is for God's Kingdom on earth. It made me pause and wonder:

Are we fighting the battle, as God's chosen people in this day and age, for His kingdom here on earth like the Israelites? I mean, there are a lot of battles going on these days...but are we fighting the right ones? Are we winning the battles and losing the war or are we losing some battles but winning the war?

My prayer time was awesome this morning. I sat on the porch on prayed while the billions of raindrops fell quickly to the ground. The lightning lit the sky up, the thunder roared and rumbled across the sky. The whole earth shook with the noises from the sky. I was deep in the midst of prayer during this time today and it was awesome to know that the God who created the heavens and earth and the loud noises of its atmosphere is the same God who hears my little voice when I reach up to Him.

I prayed over the battles in my life. The triumphs of battles past. The defeats I have experienced in some battles as well. The trust that He will supply all I need again in any upcoming battles. The thunder rolled and it was like His voice saying..."I am here...I am hearing you...I know you need Me." The battles you are facing are nothing more than raindrops falling from the sky that will soon hit the ground and be gone. But know that there is a purpose in the raindrops/battles... "to honor Me"..."to be holy"..."to press on in faith"...
So many things to learn...and thank God He has blessed me with the time right now to experience Him in a new way...when things are slow and patience is required.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DAY10: Heart, Shoulders and Arms (I lost 7 pounds already)

It is the first day of school! Wow! All in our house woke up at 6am this morning and had breakfast together, said a quick prayer to start them off right today, and then off they went. All three rode the bus...hilarious! Even more funny was Annie taking pics as they got on the bus and rode away! I am sure Grant and Drew were dying. P-did probably liked it still! Times are flying...

Annie and I went on a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood this morning right after they loaded the bus. Neat quiet time together...took the place of my warm-up session for P90X. I kicked butt...or maybe I should say, kicked shoulders and arms today! I am really starting to feel good about the soreness now! I am stating to see a slight difference in my physique as well. NO, the pics aren't being posted yet...but they will be, not to worry!

More in Leviticus today and I want to touch on one thing I read that stuck with me: " are but an alien and my tenants..."

Are we really living each day as aliens and tenants? This means so much as it relates to EVERYTHING! Kids, finances, bodies, property, spouse, family, etc. So overwhelming for most average people that most people just don't pay any attention to it.

This is something I am chewing on and probably will for a while. How would my life look different if i treated everything as an alien and tenant? Simply put, all of everything I have is not just from God but is God's. So, how would God look on my management and stewardship of His resources, people, etc?

Oh Lord, help me to be a good and faithful servant, steward, and friend! I can't do it without you guiding me along the way!

Plyometrics and Leviticus...

Day 9 came and went and I didn't have time to update my blog here goes the abbreviated version.

I hammered plyometrics. I love it. It worked me out tremendously. I did everything and stayed right with them the whole hour. Maybe that's why I am so sore??? Oh well, its working!

I started in Leviticus today and gained great admiration for Moses again. All the instruction is overwhelming. Then to realize the people of Israel trusted Moses (only because of God's great wonders and signs...and still wavered at that). It just brought up the thoughts of being a competent, trustworthy leader to me. I want to be that spiritually one with God that I can be in touch daily and understand each and every word He has to share with me...whatever the circumstances.

My prayer life is building and my desire for God's word is building. It is amazing it takes our action to help continue the building desire. God uses our action and gives us more than we can handle then it pushes us to read and pray more. Neat! I hope all of you reading this feel that same desire...if not, get busy reading and praying for the desire. He will give it to you! He promises!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 1 down, week we go!

Well, I have an accomplishment. I made it through the P90X first week. was tough but I am determined this time. I recently added the suggested muscle recovery drink from the company and it made a great difference today. I am sore...but very motivated and feel the physical workout is actually helping me stay focused on my spiritual life. I was actually able to get through the entire workout today doing both sets and am very glad.

I finished the book of Exodus today in my reading through the Bible in 90 days. Wow. The details Moses is given by God are incredible. What is amazing to me is that Moses followed each and every specific instruction to the letter. I posed a question yesterday to myself and it is:

"If God gave you specific instructions (verbally) would you follow them to the letter?"

The responses were an immedate "YES"...though what is interesting is what followed and what I want to mention in my spiritual journey today.

The immedate response was "yes", as mentioned above, but then an immediate "but God doesn't speak verbally to me and I have no idea what He is trying to tell me right now without being so clear". It is true. We are so eager to hear what God wants that sometimes we overspeak the Spirit of God when He is talking and moving. I read an intimate devotion this morning from "My Utmost for His Highest"...something I recommend to everyone.

Here is the general statement from Oswald Chambers: "Have you heard God saying something difficult for you right now? If not, I doubt seriously if you have heard Him say anything at all." this true in my life? I think the point is that we try to massage God's word into something that is always good for us rather than hearing the negative...and thus we say God isn't speaking to us at all. Keep my heart open, my eyes open, my ears open, my mouth shut. Lord I need thee every hour!

I am eyes and ears wide open right now. Week we come.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kenpo X and Arguing with the Lord...

There are times when I read the Bible and realize that even though the OT is way back in the far is all so real today. When I began reading the beginning of Exodus and was reminded of the birth and upbringing of Moses and how God used him to bring about great things for the people of Israel...yet it mentions how these same people grumbled and complained against the Lord. As a people=, why do we lac contentment? Why are we such a people of temporary happiness and satisfaction? (Mick Jagger's "I can't get no satisfaction.")

The same God that led these people out of the hands of slavery and hard labor, kept them safe through all the plagues inflicted on the Egyptians, protected them during the Passover death of all the first-born of Egypt, and finally parted the Sea so that they could flee the the same God they quarreled with, complained against, and doubted time and time again. Go figure?!

Is this true of us today as well? I mean, look around, how many times do we face situations that require our obedience, faithfulness, and perseverance...and how many times have we already been blessed with God's provisions for our good? More times than we can count. So why then, do we continue to quarrel, complain, and doubt when we face a new challenge? If we really believe God is who He is...then we should no longer act this way. He will continue to honor and bless us if we continue to honor and bless Him. The OT is such a great reminder of how good God was, is and going to people who are so undeserving!

In addition to the scripture reading and prayer time, my Kenpo X workout was phenomenal. I loved it. Wasn't sure if it was going to do any good...but I woke up today (why I am writing this morning about yesterday's workout) sore but feel great! I am going to make it through this 90-day challenge! I can feel it and know it.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 4: Genesis is completed and Yoga was performed...what a combination???

That's right...I had a YOGA X workout today and it was a lot tougher than I originally thought it would be. The stretching and muscle workout was a lot more difficult than planned. I will need to remember this next week. I am quite sore today and my legs are the worst! I have been very steadfast to the diet plan and have eliminated about all the sugar you can humanly eliminate from my sodas, caffeine is almost nil, and the carbs are being shed too. I am getting into the workout quite well....taking it easy to begin to avoid any normal. Keep your prayers lifted...I need them. It is not a habit yet...

I completed the book of Genesis today in my journey to read the Bible thru in 90 days. It is amazing the story of Joseph when you think of the promises of God "to work all things out together for good...." I have been amazed thru the reminders of the old testament stories..quite neat. I sat and read Paige the story of Joseph out on the patio this morning when she is fun to be able to use these stories to teach our own. In fact, if we are not...WHO IS?

As Jacob/Israel was reminded, God has our best interests at heart, even when we are not "in the know" of his plans. As such, our commitment is to continue walking faithfully so that when HIS time comes for the plans to come to reality to us, we are able to understand, look back, and realize the providence of God and then give Him complete GLORY! AMEN!... I want to be like this...Lord help me be! This was my prayer life today...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 3: Pain is in the mix...

It is never the first day is always the second day that hurts the most, isn't it?! Well, it is for me. The Plyometrics workout I did yesterday just compounded my pain today...and then my workout today was great...but means I will hurt horribly tomorrow and Saturday...I will then keep on hurting over and over and over again...

Is this really worth it? I cannot lie and say that I haven't heard the little challenging voice say to quit eating so healthy, quit working out so hard, quit reading so much of the Bible every day, quit praying so is amazing but I really think it is the Devil trying to stop me from moving closer to God.

The reality is that each day, I require the prayer to be able to live and proceed in the workout...I require the Bible for a constant source of life supply and energy as well as proceeding in the 90-day challenge to read thru the entire Bible...and because of this, the Devil knows I am advancing the Kingdom of God and not his earthly I can't quit or else I give up everything that is important to me.

I read many Bible stories today that just continues to prove how we don't have to understand God but we still have to be obedient. I want to be like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, obedient...regardless of the circumstances.

Here is my challenge to you for the day: "Try obeying God every time you hear His voice"...what, you don't hear him? Then maybe you aren't as close to Him as you think you are and need to start spending more time in communion with Oswald Chambers writes. He says the Holy Spirit speaks in the still small voice and only those in personal communion with Christ will be able to hear His voice. In fact, many miss it because they are too wrapped up in their thoughts, routines, others, selves, etc... Spend time, get close, go deep with God. It will reward you immeasurably so!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day2: Wow...again.

Has it ever occurred to you when reading through the Bible, just how much God has predestined for our present and future good? I read Genesis 17 thru 28:19 today as part of my 90-day journey to read the Bible from cover to cover...and it has been very rewarding so far.

Here are just a few highlights I pulled out from these chapters...things for consideration/reflection:

The Bible can be somewhat comical for us if we allow our minds to think about the actual situation being spoken of...for instance: Read Genesis Chapter 18:15 "Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, "I did not laugh." But he said, "Yes, you did laugh."
This is quite funny if you let your mind go a little...picture you and your spouse talking/squibbling/arguing over something and to think these same types of "tiffs" happened back then...too bad not all men, like Abraham, had GOD TELLING US WHEN OUR WIVES DID SOMETHING! lol ha

Genesis 21:3 is another piece of scripture that is funny when you stop and think about it..."Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him." How simple it was for Abraham and Sarah to name their son, Isaac. I mean, c'mon, what man has it that easy to choose the name of a newborn child without any argument from his wife!?! haha...

The other text I reflected on was what I gleaned about Genesis 25:29 where Jacob and Esau were together and out of nowhere Jacob responds to a request for food from his brother Esau by requiring Esau give up his birthright. While I know the story, the thought and actions taken by both brothers were very quick, didn't seem well thought out by Esau, and just happened in an ordinary routine day. My takeaway that I am chewing on is how we all have to be careful with our words, actions, matter how careless they are spoken or taken. I mean, do you really think Esau was really thinking Jacob would hold him to the birthright comment? Probably not...based on his reaction later in the story when Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau...."so be careful little lips what you say...for the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful...." you get the point...I sure did.

I am on my day two of the P90X...and boy am I sore....but motivated keep your fingers crossed...I am getting after it. I have had excruciating headaches though...because I have cut all caffeine (sodas/coke, coffee, etc.) out of my diet as well as the good eating my body is in detox from caffeine...sad truth but truth hurts! Literally.

I am focused, determined to get through this first two matter check back again! TTYL!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 1: Wow...

Well, it is a lot harder than I thought. My first day was Chest and Back exercises...1 hour of intense exercises! But I made it and survived. The first hour following the workout routine, I wasn't even able to move my arms very far above my shoulders...sad but true! I followed a pretty strict diet today as well and feel really good about my first workout day! Tomorrow I am sure I will be really extra stretching is required. Until then...

My first day reading thru the Bible in 90 days began as well. I spent time in Genesis 1-16. The creation is just amazing, you know? Thinking about all that was made and then realizing God did it all and without any help...simply amazing. To think that had Noah not been a man of great faith, we probably wouldn't even be around!

My devotions and prayer time was good today...a lot of reflection today on me, my family, etc. It is interesting how God allows the quiet times to be some of the most moving. I am coming to believe that Oswald Chamber's "My Utmost for His Highest" is the best daily devotion ever written.

Going to bed for Day prayers are for His will alone...regardless of what, when, where, who, how, etc...I am surrendering my will for His...lead on!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pre-day 1: Spiritual and Physical Assessment Tests...

My devotion today was: "The holy suffering of the saint" Oswald Chambers. Well, I shy from saying I am a saint...but I certainly seem to suffer well...hence my 90 day challenge. haha Well, I think Oswald's point is to give glory to God in all we do, suffering or God is the only one who has truly endured the ultimate suffering...thus I am called to a life of obedience, suffering or not, and in my dedication to God, He is glorified.

As if one challenge isn't I have been spiritually challenged to add to my 90-day physical training program a spiritual 90-day read through the Bible challenge. I am so glad for this challenge and have decided to take it on. Thus, my day 1 of "Read thru the Bible in 90 days" and my day 1 of "P90X in 90 days" begins...and I am pumped.

Here are the spiritual assessment tests I gave myself today:

1) How much time per day is dedicated to prayer? I gave myself a 5 out of 10 realizing I spend fewer minutes in prayer than I thought after reviewing my past week's recount.

2) How much time per day is dedicated to Bible reading? I gave myself a 6 out of 10 realizing I spend a decent amount of time reading the Bible but usually very "self-seeking" and 1-way focused. I believe it is much more than this and didn't realize how selfishness pervaded my time in the word.

3) How much time per day is dedicated to service to others? Other than my family, I have been very limited in the last number of months...thus I have given myself a 4out of 10.

As you can see, my spiritual life will be greatly improved by my 90-day challenge....and I can't wait to see how God is going to move in my life!

Physical pre-test (Don't laugh, I was surprised by some of these stats too):

weight: 196 lbs
chest: 41"
waist: 40.5"
hips: 42"

Resting heart rate: 61
Pull ups: 2.25
Vertical leap: 18.5"
Push ups: 20
Toe touch: +3.5"
Wall squat: 1:06
Bicep curls: 19 (w/green band)
Ins & outs: 30
Heart rate monitor: 174 bps; 158 post 1min; 110 post 2 min; 95 post 3 min; 88 post 4 min

My diet was very limited and healthy today as I am preparing for the Day 1... I didn't drink one soda today...YEA! I watched my diet very closely all day and know this will be the difference in my results too.

Well, time for bed. I am nervous and already sore, LOL...any encouragement is welcomed! TTYL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

In The Beginning...

I have finally entered the zone of no return...posting a blog about my exciting spiritual and physical transformation. I have established a number of goals that I am being very transparent in by sharing them on this blog. Here are my goals:

1) To be spiritually transformed into the image of Jesus Christ by spending more time with Him. I will accomplish this by spending more time with Him through daily prayer and daily devotion in His word, along with continued involvement in ministry. My life's witness will answer this question raised by Oswald Chambers:
"Am I willing for God to make sanctification as real in me as it is in His word?"

2) To be physically transformed into the image and purpose that God created me. The Bible says:

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Thus, in order to best serve Him for all eternity, I want to give as much concern to my health and well-being as God did when He created me for His Kingdom's purposes. I will accomplish this by committing to a 90-day extreme workout program called P90X that will transition into a repetitive exercise routine for life.

As you can see, these are very large goals...and as I think about the difficulty of each task, I am reminded just how much I have to rely on God for help. I will update the blog each day to post a short, very brief summary of my day's events to keep me going!

Feel free to ask me how I am doing when you see me!