Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 1 down, week we go!

Well, I have an accomplishment. I made it through the P90X first week. was tough but I am determined this time. I recently added the suggested muscle recovery drink from the company and it made a great difference today. I am sore...but very motivated and feel the physical workout is actually helping me stay focused on my spiritual life. I was actually able to get through the entire workout today doing both sets and am very glad.

I finished the book of Exodus today in my reading through the Bible in 90 days. Wow. The details Moses is given by God are incredible. What is amazing to me is that Moses followed each and every specific instruction to the letter. I posed a question yesterday to myself and it is:

"If God gave you specific instructions (verbally) would you follow them to the letter?"

The responses were an immedate "YES"...though what is interesting is what followed and what I want to mention in my spiritual journey today.

The immedate response was "yes", as mentioned above, but then an immediate "but God doesn't speak verbally to me and I have no idea what He is trying to tell me right now without being so clear". It is true. We are so eager to hear what God wants that sometimes we overspeak the Spirit of God when He is talking and moving. I read an intimate devotion this morning from "My Utmost for His Highest"...something I recommend to everyone.

Here is the general statement from Oswald Chambers: "Have you heard God saying something difficult for you right now? If not, I doubt seriously if you have heard Him say anything at all." this true in my life? I think the point is that we try to massage God's word into something that is always good for us rather than hearing the negative...and thus we say God isn't speaking to us at all. Keep my heart open, my eyes open, my ears open, my mouth shut. Lord I need thee every hour!

I am eyes and ears wide open right now. Week we come.

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