Friday, August 21, 2009

A productive Friday...

Wow...a great Friday. Woke up early. Workout went well...legs and back with the ab ripper...felt great all day. Had a healthy eating day again...good breakfast, lunch, and dinner (even though I was tempted greatly by my wife in our SS class party desserts!!!!)

I have lost 9 pounds in 11 body feels better...not because of the weight loss...but because of what I am eating...or not eating. Haven't had a coke or any caffeine in the entire workout program for 12 days. Haven't had any fried foods, haven't had hardly any bread, no butters or mayonnaise...I mean I am really watching everything. I have averaged about 8-9 glasses of water each things are looking good so far!

My reading led me into Numbers today...and read about the continued grumbling of the Israelites. Gosh, I think we are bad today...and we are....but to have all the signs and miraculous wonders like they did way back then....and then to continue complaining and not believing...that is bad. Well, then I stopped and realized...we have signs and wonders everyday...just not sure if anyone or everyone sees them. Moses' faithfulness during the grumbling was beginning to waver fact, he committed his first grievous act of not proclaiming God as Holy to the Israelites during the miracle of the rock producing water. As a direct result, God told Moses he would not be entering the promised land due to this. Reality set in for Moses now.

We had our SS class over tonight for a party and it was really good time spent with others. We laughed, had fun, played games, etc. We have missed the small group setting. But glad to be back in the swing again. Until next time....

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