Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are you as spiritually mature as a donkey?

In my reading of Numbers today (13th day of my 90-day journey thru the Bible), the donkey had it's eyes spiritually open so much that it could see the angel of the Lord in the road as she was trying her best to stop Balaam from continuing on in the path to meet Balak. In fact, three separate times the donkey tried to stop Balaam from riding to see him. What did Balaam do each time? You remember....well, he beat his donkey (his faithful donkey for many years) and was very angry with it.

I wonder, are we as spiritually alive as the donkey in the story? Sounds kind of funny...but how many times have you had things suddenly stop you from the path you chose? I believe that if we are not spiritually mature, we will suddenly believe or think that it is the Devil rather than God running Balaam.

Our innate behavior is selfishness and thus a lot of times we believe that our prayers are being answered the way we want them to be. Therefore, when something happens in contradiction to our chosen prayer direction, we tend to think it is "of the Devil". I believe that only through a deep level of spiritual maturity, a close connection with God, a constant walk with the Spirit, will we know if that obstacle is really God instead of the Devil. When we "remain in Him" on a daily basis, He will provide insight through the Spirit to inform/nudge/etc us of what to do.

I don't want to be a Balaam in this instance where I start beating my donkey or getting upset. I want to realize, like the donkey, that God has a message through this sudden change of events and needs me to stop and listen before continuing on in the journey.

Lord, help me be patient, attentive to the sounds of your Spirit calling, and quick to listen to your matter the cost.

Kenpo X today...Annie decided to jump in there with me and have some fun! I was thrilled to have her. TWO WEEKS DOWN and 10 TO GO! 10 pounds lost...and my body is feeling better by the day. I think I am starting to see some results in the muscles too! :) Pics will be uploaded after 30 days...I think. :)


  1. Way to go Matt! Mike has joined you and started back with P90X - he started the first workout Wednesday night after choir. Thursday night I did plyo with him (after a 2 mile run) and my legs are still feeling it! I love Kenpo - it's my favorite workout in the series. Great job - I enjoy the blog posts - keep 'em coming!

  2. Hi Matt! Wow! I just read through all your entries. You are doing awesome! I have to admit, I never really thought of being as spiritually mature as a donkey... but I do know that God will use whatever and many ways to keep us where we need to be if we keep looking to Him. I love you and am so proud of what you are doing. Honor God and He will honor you! Blessings!!!!!(5 for the family):}
