Is it possible that we just get so wrapped up in the motions because it is just easy to? We are creatures of habit. We are prone to do what comes easy, natural, routine, etc. We believe routine is good. We believe constant busyness is good. We believe having a normal schedule is normal....right?
Well, today, my normal routine, my normal schedule was difficult. It wasn't easy today. My Plyometrix workout was hard for some reason. It is the same DVD as the last 3 weeks...just a lot harder today for some reason. It made me sweat more. It made me hurt more. But I pressed thru and finished it. was a good workout. I wonder why it was so hard today?
I finished the book of Deuteronomy this morning and WOW...was it packed with great words of wisdom! The Israelites being taught wisdom and obedience and what happens when they don't listen or heed the word of God. Scary stuff.
The actual transition of Moses' leadership to Joshua takes place in the last chapter due to Moses' death. To me, the scary part of this transition is for Joshua. He hears from God and Moses that the people he is going to inherit the leadership of is going to stray from God's commands immediately following Moses' death. He had just been told what happens to the people of Israel when they stray and it isn't pretty! How do you think Joshua felt as a future leader knowing that his followers weren't going to pay attention to the warnings and commands of God?
I am guessing Joshua fell prostrate and began begging God for mercy on the people, wisdom to know how to handle them, and grace and courage for leading them. Guess more to find out in the next book...Joshua!
Do we, knowing the outcome, still proceed in a direction that is unrighteous like the Israelites? If so, woe to us, as God has already commanded our obedience and determined the outcome and punishment if we fail to yield to Him. It is sin. It is pushing us away from the closeness to God we should desire and need to make it each day.
God forgive us for our sins of disobedience...even in the little tiny things: attitudes, reactions, thoughts, words, etc. Give us mercy in your punishments. Give us grace to find our way back to you. Give us wisdom to learn and never do these things again. Give us joy when we find our way back to you. Give us comfort and love when you grab us and hold us in your arms!
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Wow! Good words today Matt. I know I need to take "every thought captive to the Lord." I have made Psalm 19:14 my life's prayer: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." It matters most what He wants, what He thinks and what He tells me, more than anything else in life! Love you! Have a blessed day. Mom