Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 3: Pain is in the mix...

It is never the first day is always the second day that hurts the most, isn't it?! Well, it is for me. The Plyometrics workout I did yesterday just compounded my pain today...and then my workout today was great...but means I will hurt horribly tomorrow and Saturday...I will then keep on hurting over and over and over again...

Is this really worth it? I cannot lie and say that I haven't heard the little challenging voice say to quit eating so healthy, quit working out so hard, quit reading so much of the Bible every day, quit praying so is amazing but I really think it is the Devil trying to stop me from moving closer to God.

The reality is that each day, I require the prayer to be able to live and proceed in the workout...I require the Bible for a constant source of life supply and energy as well as proceeding in the 90-day challenge to read thru the entire Bible...and because of this, the Devil knows I am advancing the Kingdom of God and not his earthly I can't quit or else I give up everything that is important to me.

I read many Bible stories today that just continues to prove how we don't have to understand God but we still have to be obedient. I want to be like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, obedient...regardless of the circumstances.

Here is my challenge to you for the day: "Try obeying God every time you hear His voice"...what, you don't hear him? Then maybe you aren't as close to Him as you think you are and need to start spending more time in communion with Oswald Chambers writes. He says the Holy Spirit speaks in the still small voice and only those in personal communion with Christ will be able to hear His voice. In fact, many miss it because they are too wrapped up in their thoughts, routines, others, selves, etc... Spend time, get close, go deep with God. It will reward you immeasurably so!

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